Krampus & Santa - 12 Days of Christmas Bundle

Krampus & Santa - 12 Days of Christmas Bundle

Sale Price:$5.00 Original Price:$7.00

Krampus & Santa are Coming to Town
Tokens and Portraits for:
Elf Helper
Snow Golem
Gingerbread Man

Plus 4 Winter texture maps is 72dpi and 256dpi.

The ArcKnight’s 12 Days of Christmas
On the 12th Day of Christmas, my DM gave to me
12 Drow a Drowing
11 Zombies Shambling
10 Elven Rangers
9 Magic Users
8 Winding Caverns
7 NPCs
6 Giant Monsters
4 Half-Orcs
3 Spell Effects
2 Kenku
And a Goblin in a Santa Hat!

For a total of 76 Tokens, 6 Portraits and 12 Maps!

Tis the Season ….. to play Tabletop RPGs online!
Our VTT miniatures are;

  • Transparent .PNGs

  • 256 DPI, at correct scale for 5E, for high resolution games

  • Color boosted for high transparency on complex VTT backgrounds

  • Compressed with professional compression software to reduce file sizes

  • Perfect for Roll20, Arkenforge, FantasyGrounds, Foundry and other VTT systems

If you enjoy these, check out our other digital packs!

Check out our first song! Arcknight’s 12 days of Christmas, featuring Pollo Blanco.

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ArcKnight’s 12 Days of Christmas

Sale Price:$3.00 Original Price:$5.00
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