Spell Effects: 5E Essentials
Spell Effects: 5E Essentials
The 5E Essentials set of Spell Effects is really all you need to play your favorite roleplaying games on virtual tabletop. This set includes various circles, squares, cones, lines, and dozens of tokens including: Fireball, Lighting Bolt, Web, Faerie Fire, Wall of Fire (all versions), Spike Growth, Spirit Guardians, Thunderwave, Shatter, Entangle, you name it!
A wide array of Spell Effects, covering all of the classics needed to play DnD on Virtual Tabletop.
• Quality Art
• Transparency Effects
• 2 Versions : High-Resolution 256 DPI, and File-Size Friendlier 100 DPI export settings
• Professional Compression to reduce file sizes as much as possible.
• Clear Naming Convention shows Spell Name, and VTT dimensions to set scale.
• Over EIGHTY (80) Templates and Tokens