AK Digital Tokens - Zombies Horde

AK Digital Tokens - Zombies Horde



ArcKnight Zombies Horde contains patchwork abominations, crawling claws, undead wolves, ghouls and hordes of zombies! This pack includes 31 high quality PNG transparent background VTT tokens.

ArcKnight Digital VTT Tokens are resized to a perfect 512px x 512px for all pieces to fit in squares. We’ve also created an accurate scale for all creatures to look correct even at a small 1x1 size. The work we put in makes these perfect for immediate use on Roll20, FantasyGrounds, and other platforms.

  • Professionally compressed, cutting file sizes by up to 70%

  • 100% Recolored for maximum contrast on complex, light, or dark backgrounds!

  • Additional alternate full size versions of select creatures so they appear larger even on a small scale.

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