FPM - 5E Starter Set Minis - 84Pc

FPM - 5E Starter Set Minis - 84Pc


Flat Plastic Miniatures - 5E Starter Set Minis is an 84-piece set of miniatures, covering the type and amount of PCs, NPCs, monsters, and villains needed to play the 5E DnD Starter Set adventure module.

Includes dozens of bases, in multiple sizes and even flying sticks for airborne enemies.

Flat Plastic Miniatures are printed on sturdy transparent plastic, with unique front and back art to indicate unit facing. Light, durable, pop in and out of bases easily and pack flat for transport or storage, FPMs make an ideal and affordable miniature.

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Slot#SizeCommon NamePiece Concept
1MediumHalfling Criminal RogueStarter PCs from Box
2MediumHill Dwarf ClericStarter PCs from Box
3MediumHuman Noble FighterStarter PCs from Box
4MediumHuman Folk Hero FighterStarter PCs from Box
5MediumHigh Elf Acolyte WizardStarter PCs from Box
6MediumDwarf AdventurerGundren Rockseeker
7MediumVeteran MaleSildar Hallwinter
8MediumHalfling BoyCarp Alderleaf
9MediumHuman DruidReidoth
10MediumHalfling Female FarmerQelline Alderleaf
11MediumElf HarperSister Garaele
12MediumFemale PaladinLinene Graywind
13MediumVeteran Order of GauntletDaran Edermath
14MediumNoble TownmasterHarbin Wester
15MediumHuman InnkeeperToblen Stonehill
16MediumHuman Female (Mother)Mirna Dendrar
17MediumHuman Noble ShopkeeperElmar Barthen
18MediumYoung MaleAnder, Thistle, Nars, Nilsa
19MediumYoung FemaleNilsa
20MediumZhentarium AgentHalia Thornton
21MediumDrow Wizard (going invisible)Nezznar the Black Spider
22MediumWraith (Wizard)Mormesk the Wraith
24MediumMale DrowVyerith
25MediumFemale DrowVhalak
26MediumEvil MageIarno "Glasstaff" Albrek
27MediumRed WizardHamun Kast
29MediumDwarven Draugr
30MediumGoblin Raidleader
31MediumRat Familar
39MediumHuman RuffianAntonia Thomas as Ruffian
40MediumHuman RuffianClassic Ruffian
41MediumHuman RuffianJeremy Irons as Ruffian
42MediumHuman RuffianRed Ruffian
43MediumDragon Cultist
44MediumDragon Cultist
45MediumDragon CultistBob Ross Cultist Druid
46MediumDragon Cultist
47MediumCultistNon Descript "Robed Figure
50MediumBrute Goblin
51MediumBrute Goblin
52MediumGoblin Archer
53MediumGoblin Archer
54MediumWeak Goblin
55MediumOrc BossGrughor Axe-Biter
56MediumOrcClassic Orc
57MediumBugbear MiniBossKlarg
58MediumBugbear BossKing Grol
59MediumGoblin PriestLhupo
60MediumFat Goblin "Boss"Yegg, the Cook
64MediumAsh ZombieThundertree Ash Zombie
65MediumSkelZombie 1
66MediumSkelZombie 2
67MediumSkelZombie 3
68MediumSkelZombie 4
71MediumGhoul 1
72MediumGhoul 2
73Large - TallYoung Green DragonVenomfang
74Large - TallMinotaurBonus Mini #1
75Large - TallDrider (Black Spider)Alternate Final Boss
76Large - TallSpectator(Beholder)
77Large - TallOgreGog
78Large - TallOchre jelly
79Large - WideGiant Spider
80Large - WideGiant Spider
81Large - WideGiant Spider
82Large - WideGiant Spider
83Large - WideOwlbear
84Large - WideGuard Drake (Blue)Bonus Mini #2
Flat Plastic Miniatures - Fantasy Expansion Animals-Flat-sm.jpg

Flat Plastic Miniatures - Fantasy Expansion

FPM - PC Expansion - 64p FPCXP_PC-Expantion-Package.jpg

FPM - PC Expansion - 64p

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FPM - Southlands Horde - 31p

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FPM - Legendary Games Aethera Field Guide

FPM - Legendary Games Forest Kingdom Forest Kingdom Back-Amazon.jpg

FPM - Legendary Games Forest Kingdom
